Quizzes to help you learn more about yourself and your relationships
Self-Care is an important part of taking care of yourself. It consists of the safe & healthy activities or practices you do in order to calm down, cheer up, or feel better. You can do self-care alone or with others, by relaxing or being active, & wherever you feel comfortable.
Empathy is the ability to imagine what other people are feeling along with the ability to sense other people’s emotions. It is important to be able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes to understand their perspective and to help you be nonjudgmental.
Your conflict style shows what kind of communication you tend to use when dealing with and issue or solving a problem. Conflict styles include: passive, passive-aggressive, aggressive, and assertive.
Consent is so important in many kinds of relationships. Take this quiz to determine how deep your knowledge of consent already is, and find out if you have more to learn!