Have you ever had a question and didn’t know where to find the answer? If so, you’ve come to the right place.
This section is a compilation of answers to the questions most commonly asked by our constituents. Just start by following one of the links below. If you can’t find the question you wanted to ask, don’t hesitate to contact us.
- Is Tubman a nonprofit?
- If I were to donate funds, how is my money used?
- What kind of donations are acceptable?
- Does Tubman have a food shelf?
- What is your organization's privacy policy?
- Does Tubman serve men?
- Is Tubman open on the weekend?
- Is childcare provided?
- Does Tubman's shelter take in pets?
- Does Tubman work with victims of sex trafficking and exploitation?
- Do I have to be experiencing domestic violence to access Tubman?
- Can I drop in for services?
- Do I need a referral for Tubman services?
- Does Tubman serve youth?
- Does Tubman provide transportation?
- Is there a fee for Tubman services?
- Can I make appointments for a friend or family member?
Yes, Tubman is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
The funds donated to Tubman are used for various programming in our shelters, for legal and clinical services, and other facets of the organization. We have a responsibility to our community and our donors and work hard to ensure long-term sustainability of the organization. We make our IRS Form 990 available for review, as required by law, which can be found at GuideStar.org. You can also view some of our financial information on the Charities Review Council website. Our annual reports are also available to view on the Publications page for more detail.
Link to Tubman's GuideStar profile: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/41-1240048
Link to Tubman's Charities Review Council profile: https://smartgivers.org/organizations/tubman/ -
New and unopened items, no toys or clothing for infants or children, full-sized (not travel size) products such as lotions, shampoo and conditioner, etc.; unopened boxes of feminine hygiene products, and gently used or new professional/business casual clothing for adults of all genders. For a an updated guide, visit the Donate Goods page.
Does Tubman have a food shelf?
Tubman does not have a food shelf open to the general public. We are able to provide phone numbers to local food shelves and programs in the Twin Cities. Please call 612.825.0000 for more information.
We have a small food pantry for Tubman clients receiving mental health or chemical health services at Tubman Chrysalis Center. This food pantry is open on Wednesdays at Tubman Chrysalis Center, and is the result of the Lakewinds Co-Op and the Twin Cities Co-Op Partners Round-up at the Register programs.
What is your organization's privacy policy?
Our organization takes our privacy policy seriously and takes steps to protect and ensure the safety of our supporters. We do not sell or otherwise disclose information about our volunteers or supporters outside of our immediate organization. This policy has no exceptions. We do not sell or exchange your information with any other organizations, public, private or nonprofit. For more detailed information visit our Privacy Policy page.
Does Tubman serve men?
Yes. Many of Tubman's services are open to men and people of all genders, including our emergency shelters, Harriet's Closet, and Pieces of Peace.
If you have questions, please call 612.825.3333. -
Is Tubman open on the weekend?
Shelter services and the 24-hour crisis line (612-825-0000) are open on the weekend. Childcare is also available on certain weekends for specific groups.
There are no available appointments during the weekend for therapy and counseling services; Harriet's Closet, administrative offices, youth and young adult programming, and certain legal services are also closed Saturday and Sunday.
Is childcare provided?
Yes, childcare is provided at Tubman sites during the day, some evenings, and certain weekends during the month for specific groups. All parents must remain on-site while attending appointments or meetings, and in shelter childcare registration is preferred but not always required. For groups, therapy and counseling at Chrysalis, there is a suggested $5/hour per child charge, which may be reduced based on ability to pay. Check for availability and registration through the Intake Department at 612-870-2426.
Does Tubman's shelter take in pets?
No, however, Tubman has Troop 14706's Silver's Pet Safety Project to provide short-term boarding, for up to a week, at local kennels for free or at a reduced cost. If long-term care is needed, there is a statewide fostering program called MNAFAS that can help. Please note that kennels require pets to have up-to-date vaccinations. Low-cost options for vaccines are available through organizations such as MNSnap.
Yes, Tubman works with youth and individuals who have experienced sex trafficking or exploitation. The Safe Journeys youth housing program works with young people who have experienced violence, including sex trafficking, exploitation, and homelessness. Other services, such as therapy and groups, are available to those who have experienced this and other types of trauma.
No. A lot of Tubman services, such as Harriet's Closet and our legal and clinical services, are open to community members, many of whom may not be experiencing relationship violence. If you have any questions about services, call 612.825.0000 or 612.825.3333.
Can I drop in for services?
Yes, we have Resource Counseling Advocates ready and available that can assist walk-ins at our Minneapolis and Maplewood locations, as well as for Rule 25/Chemical Health Assessments. Learn more by calling the Intake Department at 612.870.2426. Tubman does not, however, accept walk-ins or over the phone consultations with attorneys. Appointments with attorneys should be made by phone.
Do I need a referral for Tubman services?
No, for most programs, but yes for some. Tubman is also able to refer out to other community services and resources that we do not offer. Men looking to access Harriet's Closet do need an internal Tubman referral.
For any questions about referrals, call 612.825.3333 or 612.825.0000. -
Yes, there are a wide range of youth services available from in-school programs (MVP, VIP) to our Safe Journeys housing program, which works with youth of all genders who have experienced violence (including homelessness and sex trafficking and exploitation). For more questions about youth services, visit our Youth Services page or call 612.825.0000.
Does Tubman provide transportation?
We have several strategies to help eliminate transportation barriers. If you have questions or are in need of transportation services, please call 612.825.0000.
For most Tubman services, such as Harriet's Closet, childcare in shelter, or attending groups in shelter, there are no fees. For some counseling, therapy, and legal services, yes, there are fees.
For counseling and therapy, depending on the service, Tubman will typically bill health insurance or people pay the full fee out-of-pocket. There are some options for sliding scale fees for individual therapy, but no sliding scale fee is offered for group therapy or medication management. For legal services, there are options as well for sliding scale fees, or for fees to be waived completely.
To learn more about fee rates for counseling, therapy, and legal services, call the Intake Department at 612.870.2426.
No, we would need to speak directly to the person who will be receiving services to make an appointment with them, get their consent for services, and get their contact and insurance information if they will be receiving counseling and therapy services.