Criminal Court Advocacy
Victims of domestic assault and related crimes can receive help from a legal advocate. Tubman criminal advocacy services are available in the following counties:
- Suburban Ramsey County cities (excluding St. Paul and White Bear Lake) -- misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor cases involving intimate partner relationships.
- Washington County --misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, and felony cases involving intimate partner relationship and other family or household members.
- City of Crystal in Hennepin County -- misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor cases involving intimate partner relationships and other family or household members.
Legal Advocates can provide support and information on both the criminal court process and your rights as the victim of a crime. They also act as a liaison between the victim and the system, develop safety plans, and provide referrals to other community resources. Note: Legal Advocates are not attorneys and cannot provide legal advice.
For more information: Call (612) 870-2400.
For legal resources in other Minnesota cities and counties, call Day One: (866) 223-1111