Economic Advancement Program
Tubman’s Economic Advancement Program in partnership with Hennepin County, aims to reduce or remove the negative impacts of financial hardships for survivors of domestic violence. Participants will develop short-term and long-term financial plans that address hardships with the goal of promoting long-term financial stability and wealth-building. Direct client assistance will help reduce barriers and meet short-term needs. Participants will be connected to other services by Tubman, community partners, and other resources to meet additional needs.
The Economic Advancement Program serves survivors of domestic violence from Hennepin County with little or no income, who are receiving public benefits or who have stopped receiving public benefits which is causing further financial difficulty. Our focus is on BIPOC survivors of all genders, including people who do not identify as a specific gender, and people who identify as LGBTQ+.
To qualify for the program, people must meet the definition of being eligible for Minnesota Department of Human Services Consolidated Funding, or
families with earnings below 200% of Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) and who meet any of the following criteria:
- Families on MFIP;
- Family households with a minor child (under the age of 18);
- Pregnant woman; or
- Non-custodial parents of a child receiving MFIP.
For more information, call (612) 870-2400.